Dear [name], We are a group of researchers and contacting you due to your involvement in the [project name] project on GitHub. We are interested in how popular and active open source project communities tackle trust & security and would love to interview you about it. We are not trying to sell anything, you & the project would be treated completely anonymously. We hope your answers and our findings will help with further improving security & trust procedures in the open-source community. If an interview sounds interesting to you, feel free to check out our landing page for this research with more information: [landing page URL] Simply respond to this email with your preferred time slots and we will work something out. Lastly, we are very sorry to take up your valuable time with this email. Regrettably, cold emailing is an approach to reach a more diverse set of projects. If you do not want to participate, please accept our deepest apologies and simply ignore this email, we will not contact you again. Best regards, [researcher]