Screening Questions: SQ1 How do you manage your passwords? [multiple choice] □ I memorize them □ I write them on a piece of paper □ I keep them in a (hidden) textfile □ My browser/phone remembers them for me □ I am using a password manager □ Other (please specify): [free text] SQ2 [If “My browser/phone remembers them for me” or “I am using a password manager” in SQ1:] When did you start using a password manager? [single choice] ◦ In the last week ◦ In the last month, but not in the last week ◦ In the last six months, but not in the last month ◦ In the last two years, but not in the last six months ◦ More than two years ago ◦ Never, and I do not plan to ◦ Never, but I do plan to ◦ I do not know / I do not remember SQ3 [If “My browser/phone remembers them for me” or “I am using a password manager” in SQ1:] Please name your first password manager(s). [free text] SQ4 [If “My browser/phone remembers them for me” or “I am using a password manager” in SQ1:] On which devices are you/have you been using a Password Manager? [multiple choice] □ Windows □ Linux □ Mac □ iOS □ Android □ Blackberry □ ChromeOS □ Other (please specify): [free text] SQ5 [If neither “My browser/phone remembers them for me” nor “I am using a password manager” in SQ1:] Why are you not using a password manager? [free text] Full Survey: Password managers are tools that can help you store passwords and create strong ones. This includes both programs or browser extensions you chose and installed (e. g., LastPass, 1Password), and the password managers included in your phone or browser (e. g., Chrome, Apple Keychain). Q1 When did you start using a password manager? [single choice] ◦ In the last week ◦ In the last month, but not in the last week ◦ In the last six months, but not in the last month ◦ In the last two years, but not in the last six months ◦ More than two years ago ◦ Never, and I do not plan to ◦ Never, but I do plan to ◦ I do not know / I do not remember Q2 Please name your first password manager(s) [free text] Q3 Are you still using the same password manager? If not, which one are you currently using, and why did you decide to change? [free text] Q4 Are you paying for your password manager? [single choice] ◦ Yes ◦ No Q5 How likely is it that you would recommend a password manager to a friend or colleague? [Net Promoter Score, 11-point likert from Not at all likely to Extremely likely] Q6 Are all of your private accounts stored inside of a password manager? [single choice] ◦ Yes, all of them ◦ No, not all of them ◦ I am not sure Q7 [If “No, not all of them” or “I am not sure” in Q6] Please share with us why you are not storing all of your private accounts in a password manager. [free text] Q8 Are all of your work accounts stored inside of a password manager? [single choice] ◦ Yes, all of them ◦ No, not all of them ◦ I am not sure Q9 [If “No, not all of them” or “I am not sure” in Q8] Please share with us why you are not storing all of your work accounts in a password manager. [free text] Q10 Please try to remember your thoughts when you first started using a password manager. Which of the reasons below best describe your main reasons to use a password manager? Please select all that apply to you. [multiple choice] □ I wanted to increase security (e. g. I could use stronger passwords) □ Creating passwords myself was tiresome □ I only needed to remember one master password □ It became easier to organize my passwords □ All my passwords were in one place □ I had too many accounts to remember my passwords □ I kept forgetting my passwords □ It was a requirement by my employer □ I was curious to test password managers □ Somebody recommended using them to me □ The password manager can generate strong passwords □ The free trial convinced me to use it □ Other (please specify:) [free text] Q11 [If “Somebody recommended using them to me” in Q10] Who recommended using a password manager to you? Please choose all that apply. [multiple choice] □ A spouse/significant other □ Family □ Friends □ Colleagues □ Somebody else (please specify:) [free text] □ Nobody □ I do not remember □ Prefer not to disclose Q12 Were you or somebody you know the victim of a data breach or hack that leaked all or some of your login information (e. g. passwords, email addresses, hashes)? [single choice] ◦ Yes ◦ No ◦ I do not know ◦ Prefer not to disclose Q13 For this question, try to remember how you started out with the password manager. What was your initial strategy to add existing accounts, e. g., did you add them all at once or did you prioritize certain accounts? Please include as many details as you can recall. [free text] Q14 Which of the strategies below fits your main strategy to add existing accounts best? [single choice] ◦ Added them whenever the account was accessed or visited ◦ Started with rarely used accounts ◦ Started with less important accounts ◦ Started with more important accounts ◦ Added all I could remember at once ◦ Added them whenever I encountered a problem (e. g. needed to reset the password) ◦ Imported my passwords from e. g. my browser ◦ Other (please specify:) [free text] ◦ I do not remember my main strategy Q15 Why did you use your particular strategy of adding existing accounts to your password manager? (e. g., because it was time-efficient or less work to add only certain accounts, or because it increased security to add all accounts at once) [free text] Q16 Please share your current strategy to add new or existing accounts into your password manager with us. We are especially interested in how it differs from your initial strategy, and why you decided to change your approach. If you kept your initial strategy, please write “no”. [free text] Q17 If you stated to prioritize certain accounts in any of the previous questions: Please specify the type, e. g., social media. [free text] Q18 Did you update your existing passwords when you added accounts to the password manager? [single choice] ◦ Yes, all of them ◦ Yes, some of them ◦ No, none of them ◦ I do not remember ◦ Prefer not to disclose Q19 [If “Yes, all of them” in Q18] Please elaborate in detail why you updated all of your passwords. [free text] Q20 [If “Yes, some of them” in Q18] Please elaborate in detail why you updated some of your passwords, but not all of them. [free text] Q21 [If “No, none of them” in Q18] Please elaborate in detail why you updated none of your passwords. [free text] Q22 [If “Yes, all of them” or “Yes, some of them” in Q18] In which way do you update your existing passwords when adding them to your password manager? Please choose all that apply. [multiple choice] □ Update them using the password manager’s built-in password generator □ Update them using an external password generator □ Update them with a manually created new password □ I do not add existing accounts □ Other (please specify:) [free text] Q23 In which way do you generate your passwords when creating new accounts and adding them to your password manager? Please choose all that apply. [multiple choice] □ Generate them using the password manager’s built-in password generator □ Generate them using an external password generator □ Manually create a new password □ I do not add new accounts □ Other (please specify:) [free text] Q24 Please share your experiences with initially adding your passwords to your password manager with us. In which situations and for which accounts did your strategy work well? [free text] Q25 In which situations and for which accounts did you stumble over problems with your strategy? Which problems did occur? [free text] Q26 In addition to storing passwords, you use your password manager for: [multiple choice] □ Autofilling Two-Factor Authentication □ Storing banking or credit card information □ Storing address information □ Storing secret notes (e. g., Recovery codes, SSH keys, private encryption keys) □ Storing other data (please specify:) [free text] □ Checking your password strength □ Checking if your passwords were part of a data breach □ Checking your passwords for reuse □ Generating strong passwords □ I am not using additional functions □ Other functions (please specify:) [free text] Q27 [If not “Added all I could remember at once” in Q14 or “Yes, some of them” or “No, none of them” in Q18] You have stated that you did not add and update all passwords at once when you initially started using your password manager. We are interested to learn why you did not do this. Please provide details for your reasoning. [free text] Q28 In which ways could your password manager have supported your process of initially adding all your existing passwords better? Please assume that there are no technical limitations, e. g. that password managers can access all data they need. [free text] Q29 What is your gender? We use this information to increase visibility of less represented genders. [single choice] ◦ Woman ◦ Man ◦ Non-binary ◦ Prefer not to disclose ◦ Prefer to self-describe [free text] Q30 What is your age in years? [integer input] Q31 Which of the following describe your race and ethnicity, if any? Please check all that apply. [multiple choice] □ White or of European descent □ South Asian □ Hispanic or Latino/a/x □ Middle Eastern □ East Asian □ Black or of African descent □ Southeast Asian □ Indigenous (such as Native American, Pacific Islander, or Indigenous Australian) ◦ Prefer not to disclose ◦ Prefer to self-describe [free text] Q32 Which of the following best describes the highest level of formal education that you have completed? [single choice] □ I never completed any formal education □ 10th grade or less (e. g., some American high school credit, German Realschule, British GCSE) □ Secondary school (e. g., American high school, German Realschule or Gymnasium, Spanish or French Baccalaureate, British A Levels) □ Trade, technical or vocational training □ Some college/university study without earning a degree □ Associate degree (A.A., A.S., etc.) □ Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S., B.Eng., etc.) □ Master’s degree (M.A., M.S., M.Eng., MBA, etc.) □ Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.) □ Other doctoral degrees (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.) ◦ Prefer not to disclose ◦ Other (please specify:) [free text] Q33 Do you have a formal education (Bachelor’s degree or higher) in computer science, information technology, or a related field? [single choice] ◦ Yes ◦ No ◦ Prefer not to disclose Q34 Have you held a job in computer science, information technology, or a related field? [single choice] ◦ Yes ◦ No ◦ Prefer not to disclose